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0207 993 5216

Mon - Fri 09:00 - 18:00 | Sat - 10:00 - 15:00

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Booking Terms & Conditions

Condition A:
Apply to all Bookings covered by ATOL as shown below

On receipt of your request and deposit we will confirm you booking and from that point cancellation charges will apply, and send you a confirmation with details of your arrangements. Please note that a telephone booking confirmation is as firmly confirmed as if it were made/confirmed in writing at that time.


CHARTER FLIGHT ARRANGEMENTS:- The price shown on this confirmation invoice will not be subject to any surcharges.
SCHEDULED FLIGHT ARRANGEMENTS:- As scheduled airlines reserve the right to increase prices at any time the price shown on this confirmation invoice will ONLY be guaranteed once full payments is received before due date of payment. The payment of a deposit guarantees your seat, not the price.
GOVERNMENT ACTION:- Our price Guarantee can not cover increases due to direct Government action e.g. the imposition of VAT or Passenger Levy.


If we are obliged to make any minor change in the arrangements for your holiday we will inform you as soon as possible.


If before you depart we have to make any major change to your holiday arrangements e.g. change of departure time of more than 12 hours, change of airport(but excluding changes between airports in London region, aircraft type airline) it will only be because we are forced to do so by circumstances usually beyond our control. In such an unlikely event we will inform you immediately and our objective will be to minimize your inconvenience. We will wherever possible offer you alternative arrangements as close as possible to your original choice. You will then have a choice of accepting, taking another available holiday of similar price or canceling. Should you choose to cancel you will be reimbursed all monies paid to us.


Some of our holidays are based on minimum number of participants and in the unlikely event that these numbers are not reached we reserve the right to cancel the tour and refund all payments made. Prices are subject to increase if the group size is reduced.


Details of airlines, flight numbers/schedules and destination airport will be shown on your invoice/confirmation. We regretwe are unable to guarantee specific aircraft types or airline.


The Company strongly recommends that the Client takes out adequate insurance. The Client is herewith recommended to read the terms of any insurance affected to satisfy themselves as to the fitness of cover. The Company will be pleased to quote you for insurance. Should insurance be declined you will be asked to sign our indemnity form.


The person making the booking becomes responsible to The Company for the payment of the total price of the arrangements for all passengers shown on the invoice.


No booking will be confirmed unless the required deposit has been received by The Company.


If you wish to change any item – other than increasing the number of persons in your party – and providing we can accommodate he change, you will have to pay an Amendment Fee per person. These fees can vary greatly and will be advised at the time changes are made. Changes must be confirmed to us in writing. From time to time we are required to collect additional taxes and surcharges.
You will be informed of any such charge prior to ticket issue


Should you or any member of your party be forced to cancel you holiday, we must be notified, in writing, by the person who made the booking and who is therefore responsible for the payment. of the cancellation charges. Cancellation charges are calculated from the date we receive the written notice of cancellation.

Amount of cancellation charge (shown as a % total holiday cost)
More Than 42 days . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Deposit
29-42 days . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50%
15-28 days . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70%
8-14 days . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90%
1-7 days . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100%

Travel Insurance Premiums are not refundable CANCELLATION AFTER TICKET ISSUE:- will result in loss of 100% of total cost of all travel arrangements in most cases. Please consult your reservation adviser. Charter flights carry a 100% cancellation fee both before and after ticket issue.


If you have a problem during your holiday, it is a legal requirement that you inform the property owner/hotel management/our local agent who will endeavour to resolve the situation. If your complaint cannot be sorted out locally you must obtain written confirmation that the complaint was lodged. You must follow this up within 28days of your return home in writing to us with all the relevant details. If you fail to follow this procedure, it may make it impossible to investigate your complaint fully.


We accept the jurisdiction of the Courts in any part of the UK in which the client is domiciled. For clients not domiciled in the UK the Court of England shall have sole jurisdiction.

Condition B:

Apply to all bookings covered by an ATOL. Please read the following terms and conditions carefully as they apply to all bookings made. No variations shall be valid unless agreed and confirmed in writing by a Director of The Company. A verbal variation will not be valid.

The Company act as agents only in transactions relating to flight, care hire, accommodation, package holidays etc. and book those facilities for you(the client) on behalf of the Supplier or Operator (the Principal). The Company are not the Principal and do not act as the Principal nor shall they be construed as being such by inference or otherwise. This confirmation does not constitute a contract. Your contract is with the Principal named overleaf. The Company are not liable for the Principals actions, failures or omissions. No booking will be confirmed unless required deposit has been received by The Company. Principals reserve the right to increase prices up to the date on which they receive the balance. Payment of a deposit guarantees your seat, not the price.

Bookings made will be immediately subject to the Principal's terms and conditions and The Company have no authority to vary them in the Client's favour. All amendments/cancellations will incur charges.

Please note that a telephone booking confirmation is as firmly confirmed as if it were made/confirmed in writing at that time.

The Company will attempt to fulfil Clients requirements to its best abilities and in the event of complaint, will pass such complaints to the Principal concerned on the Clients behalf. As agent only, The Company will not be able to commit the Principal as o their correct course of actions. The Company strongly recommend that the Client takes out adequate insurance whether or not it is a Principal's condition of booking. The Client is herewith recommended to read the terms of any insurance effected to satisfy themselves as to the fitness of cover. The Company will be pleased to quote you for insurance. Should insurance be declined you will be asked to sign our indemnity form.

Please remember that the person making the booking accepts ALL the booking conditions and is liable for any amendment fees, late payments or cancellation charges that arise on behalf of ALL the passengers in their party. In addition they are also responsible for checking this and all future documentation and for advising us immediately if anything is missing or incorrect. The details overleaf are given in good faith based on information from the Principal at the time of booking. Should it transpire that any of these details differ you will be advised immediately.


You must pay the balance by the due date shown on the confirmation. Please note that for some telephone bookings full payment may be required IMMEDIATELY i.e. before you receive confirmation. If this applies you will be advised when the booking is ade. It is very important that you pay balances when due because failure to do so may lead to the cancellation of our holiday and still leave you liable to the cancellation charges. Where an extra ''booking charge'' applies this will have been advised at the time of booking. All credit card payments are subject to a 3% charge. However where cancellation can be avoided with the Principal a late payment of £30 will be applied to your balance.


Passport and Visa:
You must consult the relevant Embassy or Consulate for this information. Requirements may change and you should check for up-to-date position in good time before departure. We regret we can accept no liability if you are refused entry onto the flight or into any country due to failure on you part to carry the correct passport, visa or other documents required by any airline, authority or country. Health:
Recommended inoculations for travel may change at any time and you should consult your doctor on current recommendations before you depart. Health requirements for you holiday destination are outlined in the Department of Health leaflet entitled ''The Traveller's Guide to Health'' (T4), which is available by calling 0800 555 777. It is your responsibility to ensure that you obtain all recommended inoculations, take all recommended medication and follow all medical advice in relation to your trip.


If you have any special requests, please advise us at time of booking. Although we will endeavour to pass any such request on to the relevant supplier, we regret we cannot guarantee any request will be met. Failure to meet any special request will not be a breach of contract on our part. If you have any medical problem or disability which may affect your booked arrangements, you must advise us in writing at the time of booking giving full details. If we feel unable to properly accommodate your particular needs, we must reserve the right to decline/cancel your booking.


When you book with us, you accept responsibility for any damage or loss caused by you or any member of your party. Proper payment for any such damage or loss must be made at the time direct to the accommodation owner or manager or other supplier. If you fail to do so, you must indemnify us against any claims (including legal costs) subsequently made against us as a result of your actions. We expect all clients to have consideration for other people. If in our opinion or in the opinion of any other person in authority you are behaving in such a way as to cause or to be like to cause distress, danger or annoyance to any third party or damage to property, we reserve the right to terminate your arrangements without notice. In this situation towards you (including any return transport arrangements) will immediately cease and we will not be responsible for meeting any costs or expenses you may incur as a result, making any refund or paying compensation.


We accept no responsibility for and shall not be liable in respect of any loss or damage or alterations, delays or changes arising from unusual and unforeseeable circumstances beyond our control, such as war or threat of war, riot, civil strife, industrial ispute including air traffic control disputes, terrorist activity, natural and nuclear disaster, fire or adverse weather conditions, technical problems with transport, closure or congestion of airports or ports, cancellations of schedules by scheduled airlines.
You can check the current position on any country by telephoning the Foreign and Commonwealth Office's Travel Advice Unit on 020 7238 4503.


It is your responsibility to ensure you follow ALL RECONFIRMATION INSTRUCTIONS which will be shown EITHER on the FRONT of this invoice or on your travel documents. The Company will not be liable for any additional costs due to your failure to reconfirm flights.


The address for all documentation will be that given at the time of booking. Documents will normally be despatched 7 days before departure. N.B. For bookings made within 14 days of departure it may be necessary for you to collect your air tickets at the airport. Any other vouchers will be posted/faxed to you direct. Only E-Tickets will be sent by 1st class post at client's own risk. For additional security scheduled airline Paper Tickets are usually sent by Recorded Delivery and in this event it is your responsibility to ensure receipt/collection. If Paper Tickets are lost in the post and a new set of tickets has to be reissued you may have to pay for the tickets again. A form of indemnity will have to be filled in to claim your monies which can take 6 months. LATE BOOKIGNS may also require Registered/Courier delivery of documents in which case the appropriate charges will have been advised at the time of booking.